What is P-16?
is the shorthand term for a student-focused,
comprehensive and integrated system that links all
education levels from preschool (P) through
post-secondary. It is a powerful framework for citizens
and policymakers to use to improve teaching and learning
and thus better prepare students for living, learning,
and working in a changing world.
Mid-East Regional Mission Statement
Consistent with the statewide guidelines for
TN P-16 initiatives, the Mid-East TN Regional P-16 Council
will collaborate with the ten-county area to link regional
youth in Pre K-16 to education, career preparation,
workforce and economic development promoting an educated
citizenry and healthy economy.
Mid-East Regional Vision Statement
P-16: 10 Counties Working Together and Improving Lives through
Mid-East Regional Goals
public awareness of the link between an educated
citizenry and a healthy economy
connections and smooth transitions between Pre-k-12 and
higher education to improve student learning at all
access to competent, caring and qualified teachers in
grades P-16