MEETING THEMEà  P-16: Sowing the Seeds for Our Future


Minutes Summary


DATE:                         April 12, 2007

TIME:                          12:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.

PLACE:                       Walters State Community College,

Dr. Jack E. Campbell College Center

Duggins Foundation Room


ATTENDANCE:          53 attendees

                                                                                    Present             Absent

Council Members:       Dr. Wade McCamey                ______                        __x___

                                    Dr. Lori Campbell                    __x___                        ______

                                    Linda Roberts                          __x___                        ______

                                    Dr. Janet Barnard (Guest Speaker) x___                      ______

Dr. Foster Chason                    ______                        __x___

Mr. Joe Combs                                    ______                        __x___

Dr. Nancy Brown                    __x___                        ______

                                    Karen Stooksbury                    __x___                        __ ___

                                    Sidney Hall                              __x___                        ______

                                    Dru Miller                                __x___                        ______

                                    Sue Frazier                               __x___                        ______

                                    Cathy Woods                           __x___                        ______

                                    Tom Sewell                              __x___                        ______

                                    Kim Gunnin                             __x___                        ______

                                    Kim Wilder                              __x___                        ______

                                    B. J. Lowe                               __x___                        ______

Doug Keith                              ______                        __x___

                                    Allen Nix                                 __x___                        ______

Dr. Joy Collingsworth              __x___                        ______

                                    Dr. Mike Belcher                     __x___                        ______

                                    Dr. Joe Parkins                                    ______                        __x___

                                    Dr. Dale Lynch                                    ______                        __x___

                                    Dr. Charles Thomas                 __x___                        ______

                                    Dr. Nancy Moody                    ______                        __x___

                                    Dr. Hal Knight                         ______                        __x___

                                    Dr. Brenda Dean                      __x___                        ______

                                    Jill Eatherly                              ______                        __x___

Tish Jones                                ______                        __x___

                                    Don Hurst                                __x___                        ______

                                    Lynn Elkins                             __x___                        ______

Terry Acuff                             ______                        __x___

                                    Edwin Jarnagin                                    __x___                        ______

                                    Larry Blazer                             __x___                        ______

                                    Eva Thompson                                    __x___                        ______                                   

Mike Collins                            __x___                        ______

John Dean                               __x___                        ______

                                    Steve Hill                                 __x___                        ______

Shannon Carey                                    __x___                        ______




ATTENDANCE, continued:                                        Present             Absent


Pearl Coffey                            __x___                        ______

Jill Beason                               __x___                        ______

Dr. Peggy Hypes                      __x___                        ______

Gina Buckner                          __x___                        ______

                                    William Von Schipman                        __x___                        ______

Wayne Goforth                                    __x___                        ______

                                    Sam McCollough                     __x___                        ______

Jim Hageman                           __x___                        ______

                                    Gloria Silvers                           __x___                        ______

                                    Roger Hansard                         ______                        __x___

                                    Tommy Bible                           ______                        __x___

                                    Diana Gibson                           ______                        __x___

                                    Sherry Butler                           ______                        __x___

                                    Mike Collins                            ______                        __x___

                                    George Shirley                         ______                        __x___

                                    Nancy Causey                         ______                        __x___

                                    Oliver “Buzz” Thomas                        ______                        __x___

                                    Roger Jones                             ______                        __x___

                                    Robbie Mitchell                                   ______                        __x___

                                    Tracy Horner                           ______                        __x___

                                    Sherry Hood                            ______                        __x___

                                    Jamie Chapman                                   ______                        __x___

                                    Breck Habegger                                   ______                        __x___

                                    Andy Smith                             ______                        __x___

                                    Kay Senter                               ______                        __x___

                                    Mike Fishman                          ______                        __x___

                                    Mike Antrican                          ______                        __x___

                                    Kim Belcher                            ______                        __x___

                                    Gary Seal                                 ______                        __x___

                                    Jack Mullins                            ______                        __x___

                                    Nancy Barker                          ______                        __x___

                                    Clayton Armstrong                  ______                        __x___

                                    Doug Moody                           ______                        __x___

                                    Jack Rhyne                              ______                        __x___

                                    Laura Duncan                          ______                        __x___

                                    Diana Merriman                       ______                        __x___

                                    Linda Irwin                              ______                        __x___

Other Guests:

                                    Dr. John LaPrise                      __x___                        ______                                   

Mayor Joe Tyler Duncan         __x___                        ______

                                    Mayor David Purkey               ______                        __x___

Mayor Iliff McMahan              __x___                        ______

                                    Mayor Mark Hipsher               ______                        __x___

                                    Mayor Larry Lay                     __x___                        ______

                                    Erlinda McMeel                       __x___                        ______

                                    Michelle Davenport                 __x___                        ______                                   

Leann Mottern                         __x___                        ______

                                    Dale Schneitman                      __x___                        ______                                   

Tammy Caldwell                     __x___                        ______

                                    Jill Reuschel                            __x___                        ______                                   

Tammy Wells                          __x___                        ______




ATTENDANCE, continued:                                        Present             Absent


Sue Manning (Dist Educ)         __x___                        ______

Jim O’Connor (WS IET)          __x___                        ______

Greg Swinson (WS IET)           __x___                        ______

Bobbie Young (Cit Tribune)    __x___                        ______

Greg Kyle (Cit Tribune/WS)    __x___                        ______






Dr. Lori Campbell and Linda Roberts, Mid-East Tennessee Regional P-16 members, discuss education issues with Dr. Brenda Dean, Hamblen County School System, and John dean, Sevier County School system at the April, 2007 regional P-16 meeting





SUBJECT:                   Welcome & Introduction                                           Dr. Lori Campbell


HIGHLIGHTS:            Dr. Lori Campbell, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, welcomed members and introduced the meeting following a morning Tech Prep Counselor’s workshop session and luncheon.  Dr. Campbell announced the new local council petition in process to be approved – Union County – the 3rd local council. 


Dr. Campbell congratulated the P-16 Council for the 3 year effort with the math initiatives.  In Dr. Campbell’s opening remarks, she also shared with the council members Walters State’s exciting advancements and renovations.


SUBJECT:                   Updates – Review of February Minutes                                  Linda Roberts


HIGHLIGHTS:            Minutes from the February 8, 2007 meeting were distributed to each council member present.  The minutes were reviewed and approved by the council.



SUBJECT:                   Updates – Statewide P-16 Meeting                              Linda Roberts


HIGHLIGHTS:            Dr. Lori Campbell and Linda Roberts attended the statewide P-16 meeting at the Tennessee Board of Regents. Based on information from the meeting, it was determined that there are 3 opportunity gaps:  1) teacher talent, 2) curriculum content; and 3) rigor gap.  The state P-16 meeting focused on excellent ideas.


SUBJECT:                   Updates – Math Bowl Competition                             Dr. John LaPrise


HIGHLIGHTS:            Dr. John LaPrise, Dean of the Mathematics Division, Walters State, announced the success of the first annual Math Bowl Competition held at Walters State on April 20, 2007.  Approximately 250 6th-8th graders registered from 19 schools to attend the Math Bowl.  While the students were taking their tests, an in-service training was conducted for teachers (and any parents) on calculator activities/workshops and website interaction.  Dr. LaPrise thanked the faculty and staff who worked hard to make the Math Bowl a success.


SUBJECT:                   Close-Out of Tech Prep Program                              Cathy Woods


HIGHLIGHTS:            Cathy Woods, Tech Prep Coordinator, discussed the close-out of the Tech Prep Consortium effective June 30, 2007.  Cathy discussed how the transition will include working cooperatively with P-16, Distance Education, and dual enrollment.  One focus will be to continue to provide more teacher workshops in the future.




SUBJECT:                   Reading Excellence                                                    Dr. Janet Barnard


HIGHLIGHTS:            Dr. Janet Barnard, Elementary Education Supervisor for Claiborne County Reading First Program, spoke to the council members about the Reading First Program (recipient of the Reading Excellence Act Grant).   The council present enjoyed the presentation of the different ideas that Claiborne County has successfully used to build a reading program. 


·         “Diaper Bag to Backpack” program – presents bags to families with a new baby from the school system with a note encouraging reading.  The backpack includes board books, picture books, rattle/toy, classical music cd, developmental checklist, etc.

·         Dollywood Foundation “Imagination Library”

·         Trained teachers to do effective reading out loud

·         Early Childhood Literacy Council (including alpha school, head start, day care teachers, churches) – meets monthly

·         Literacy Food Boxes and Literacy Bags

·         Clear backpacks for Kindergarten

·         Literacy Leaders



SUBJECT:                   Dual Enrollment                                                         Linda Roberts


HIGHLIGHTS:            Walters State is working to increase numbers in dual enrollment and have worked collaboratively with Greene County, Hamblen County and Sevier County to offer high school students the opportunity to earn an associates degree at the same time they are earning a high school diploma.



SUBJECT:                   Action Team Report – Math Initiative                      Dr. Mike Belcher



·         Effective math lesson planning – smart boards, calculators

·         Incorporate curriculum into middle, high school and college.



SUBJECT:                   Action Team Report – Reading Initiative                 Dr. Janet Barnard



·         Reading Workshop planned for late May with speaker to address reading in upper levels of schools



SUBJECT:                   Action Team Report – Economic Development        Steve Hill



·         Educational standards for better prepared workers and working together as a region

·         Organize a task force person from industry, school system, and profile what that student needs to be 7 years from now.

·         Design a program to allow us to get students collectively as a region without duplicating efforts.



SUBJECT:                   Action Team Report – Education Initiative              Lynn Elkins



·         Educational Forum planned for May 17 – 4:00-7:00 pm in the Walters State gymnasium

·         Purpose:  To identify skills needed to ensure high schools are ready for work and life.

·         Committee has identified who should attend (10-20 people from each county)

·         The forum to divide into groups and identify skill sets that industry wants students to have.

·         Announced speakers/facilitators à Dr. Paul Hall, Dr. Irene Jilson, Dr. Margaret O’Donnell;  Keynote Speaker à Dr. Paul Ruiz; Special Guest Speaker à John Morgan, State Comptroller

·         Following the forum, the committee will report with action items.



SUBJECT:                   Local Council Update – Hamblen County                  Lynn Elkins


HIGHLIGHTS:                        Lynn Elkins provided an update of the Hamblen County council. 


·         Discussed the need for more footage on the tv cable channel.

·         Working with Barbara Simmons at Central Services to establish a P-16:  Supply Depot where all teachers can get free or low cost supplies.


SUBJECT:                   Local Council Update – Claiborne County                 Sam McCollough


HIGHLIGHTS:                        Sam McCollough provided an update of the Claiborne County council. 


·         Level 3 – Three Star Program

·         School Board, Education Foundation setting up to raise money to give to schools to keep kids from selling/fundraisers

·         Assistance for students to attend college

·         Help needy students at Christmas

·         Start a cable channel for Claiborne County where teachers can talk to the parents

·         Working with LMU’s Osteopathic School of Medicine to mentor and help students prepare for college.




SUBJECT:                   Action Items / Announcements


HIGHLIGHTS:                        The following actions are requested:


·         P-16 Educational Forum, WSCC – May 17

·         Reading Workshop, WSCC – May 22

·         Next P-16 Council Meeting, WSCC – September 13


The meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m.


Special Thanks to Bobby and Ann Phillips for catering lunch on April 12.


Respectfully submitted by Tammy Wells