MEETING THEMEà P-16: Harvesting Educated Citizens
Minutes Summary
DATE: September 26, 2007
TIME: 12:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
PLACE: Walters State Community College,
Dr. Jack E. Campbell College Center
Duggins Foundation Room
ATTENDANCE: 48 attendees
Present Absent
Dr. Wade McCamey __x___ ______
Dr. Lori Campbell __x___ ______
Linda Roberts __x___ ______
Dr. Brenda Dean (Guest Speaker) x___ ______
Dr. Foster Chason ______ __x___
Dr. Debbie Scott __x___ ______
Dr. Nancy Brown __x___ ______
Karen Stooksbury __x___ __ ___
Sidney Hall __x___ ______
Dru Miller __x___ ______
Sue Frazier __x___ ______
Cathy Woods __x___ ______
Tom Sewell __x___ ______
Kim Gunnin __x___ ______
Kim Wilder __x___ ______
B. J. Lowe __x___ ______
Doug Keith ______ __x___
Allen Nix ______ __x___
Dr. Joy Collingsworth ______ __x___
Dr. Mike Belcher ______ __x___
Dr. Joe Parkins ______ __x___
Dr. Dale Lynch __x___ ______
Dr. Charles Thomas __x___ ______
Dr. James Netherton ______ __x___
Dr. Nancy Moody ______ __x___
Dr. Dolphus Henry ______ __x___
Dr. Hal Knight __x___ ______
Jill Eatherly ______ __x___
Don Hurst __x___ ______
Lynn Elkins __x___ ______
Terry Acuff __x___ ______
Edwin Jarnagin __x___ ______
Larry Blazer __x___ ______
Eva Thompson __x___ ______
Mike Collins __x___ ______
John Dean __x___ ______
Steve Hill __x___ ______
Eli Matijevich __x___ ______
Adrian Rucker __x___ ______
Dr. Marilyn Bowers __x___ ______
Amanda McClure __x___ ______
ATTENDANCE, continued: Present Absent
Ann Bowen __x___ ______
Dr. Peggy Hypes __x___ ______
Wayne Goforth __x___ ______
Sam McCollough __x___ ______
Jim Hageman __x___ ______
Gloria Silvers __x___ ______
Roger Hansard ______ __x___
Tommy Bible ______ __x___
Diana Gibson ______ __x___
Sherry Butler __x___ ______
Mike Collins __x___ ______
George Shirley ______ __x___
Nancy Causey ______ __x___
Oliver “Buzz” Thomas ______ __x___
Roger Jones ______ __x___
Robbie Mitchell ______ __x___
Tracy Horner ______ __x___
Sherry Hood ______ __x___
Jamie Chapman ______ __x___
Breck Habegger __x___ ______
Andy Smith ______ __x___
Kay Senter ______ __x___
Mike Fishman ______ __x___
Mike Antrican ______ __x___
Kim Belcher ______ __x___
Gary Seal __x___ ______
Jack Mullins ______ __x___
Nancy Barker ______ __x___
Charlotte Britton ______ __x___
Doug Moody ______ __x___
Jack Rhyne ______ __x___
Laura Duncan ______ __x___
Diana Merriman ______ __x___
Linda Irwin ______ __x___
Mayor Iliff McMahan __x___ ______
Tammy Wells __x___ ______
Christy Edmonds __x___ ______
Evelyn Smith __x___ ______
Jim O’Connor (WS IET) __x___ ______
Bobbie Young (Cit Tribune) __x___ ______
Greg Kyle (Cit Tribune/WS) __x___ ______
SUBJECT: Welcome & Opening Remarks Dr. Wade McCamey
HIGHLIGHTS: Dr. Wade McCamey, President, Walters State Community College, welcomed members and introduced the meeting. Dr. McCamey discussed the importance of P-16 and the service in this community.
SUBJECT: Updates – New Council Membership Linda Roberts
HIGHLIGHTS: Linda Roberts introduced new council members for 2007-2008. New council membership effective September 2007 includes: Adrian Rucker, Hamblen County Schools; Dr. Russell Nichols, Tusculum College; Eli Matijevich; Ann Bowen, Tom Sewell, and B. J. Lowe, Walters State Community College.
SUBJECT: Updates – Review of September Minutes Linda Roberts
HIGHLIGHTS: Minutes from the April 12, 2007 meeting were distributed to each council member present. The minutes were reviewed and approved by the council.
SUBJECT: Updates – Reading Workshop Review Linda Roberts
HIGHLIGHTS: Linda Roberts updated the council on the Reading Workshop that was held May 22, 2007 in the Duggins Foundation Room at Walters State Community College with Dr. Tim Shanahan as the special guest speaker. Linda reiterated that what we teach does matter.
SUBJECT: Updates – Tech Prep Transition/Introduction Mr. Tom Sewell
HIGHLIGHTS: Tom Sewell announced the transition of the Tech Prep Consortium Program effective June 30, 2007 to Perkins IV Grant. Cathy Woods, Coordinator of Tech Prep, will assume the role of Coordinator of Technical Education and P-16. There are plans being made to visit schools and work with area teachers on academic initiatives.
SUBJECT: Updates – P-16 Educational Forum Review Linda Roberts
HIGHLIGHTS: Walters State Community College hosted the P-16 Educational Forum on May 16, 2007 in the “Z” Buda Gymnasium. Dr. Paul Ruiz, Principal Partner of the Education Trust, and John Morgan, State of TN Comptroller, spoke to approximately 100 attendees. Groups were identified and actively worked to summarize the needs for training and skills.
SUBJECT: Speaker Dr. Brenda Dean
HIGHLIGHTS: Dr. Brenda Dean shared with the group “Characteristics of Viable and Sustainable Workers for 2015”. Dr. Dean stressed preparing a competent workforce through education. Dr. Dean learned from her study what we often hear from employers: that work ethic, positive attitude, and dependability are the most important characteristics of a desirable worker in 2015. Dr. Dean stated that P-16 has learned the linkage between economics and education and challenged all to be proactive in solutions.
SUBJECT: Strategic Plan Revision Cathy Woods
HIGHLIGHTS: Cathy Woods discussed the revisions for the Strategic Plan 2007-2010. Copies were distributed for review. Part of the Strategic Plan has been determined by 1) Educational Forum; 2) Access & Diversity Grants; and 3) Accomplishments. The council was asked to review the Strategic Plan and make modifications as necessary. The Strategic Plan will be voted and approved at the February 2008 meeting.
SUBJECT: Three Star Program Jill Eatherly
HIGHLIGHTS: Jill Eatherly, Tennessee Board of Regents, announced the newest approved petition for local council – Union County. Jill thanked the staff and complimented the Mid-East TN Regional P-16 Council on their efforts.
SUBJECT: Grants Information Cathy Woods
HIGHLIGHTS: P-16 was awarded two Access and Diversity grants. The grants were titled “Where have the faculty gone?” and International Outreach. More information about the grants will be forthcoming.
SUBJECT: Strategic Planning Groups Linda Roberts
HIGHLIGHTS: It was approved by the council to give authority to the selected committee chairs to review and make modifications of the Strategic Plan 2007-2010 and to finalize, approve and submit for the February 2008 meeting.
Each committee met and discussed ideas for the strategic plan in the following initiatives: Math, Reading, Workforce, Technology, Faculty Recruitment, International Outreach, and New Councils.
SUBJECT: Local Council Update – Hamblen County Lynn Elkins
HIGHLIGHTS: Lynn Elkins provided an update of the Hamblen County council.
· Great 8 principles from youth development
· Business/industry, Chamber of Commerce, conducting roundtable
· Imagination Library bus is finished – plays music, houses books and educates children
· Local P-16 received $10,000 from John Litz and Steve Southerland
SUBJECT: Local Council Update – Claiborne County Sam McCollough
HIGHLIGHTS: Sam McCollough provided an update of the Claiborne County council.
· Schools have pre-kindergarten classrooms
· Started Education Foundation to help Claiborne underprivileged students
· Working with LMU on drop out and graduation rates – attendance incentives
· LMU Osteopathic School of Medicine formal opening October 2007
· Producing programs to show on cable networks
· Working with Walters State and LMU on credit recovery and dual enrollment
SUBJECT: Local Council Update – Union County Wayne Goforth
HIGHLIGHTS: Wayne Goforth provided an update of the Union County council.
· Newest approved county P-16 Council petition
· Worked with 3Star and the Chamber of Commerce
· Has set up action teams for first visioning process – 1) increase graduation rate; 2) gifted and talented; 3) attending post-secondary training; and 4) bring higher education facility to Union County.
· Supporting teams – Reading First Grant, Gear Up grant, Distance Learning Grant to help bring classes to Union County
· Working with school health coordinators
· Thought for the day: “Don’t sweat the petty stuff and don’t pet the sweaty stuff.”
SUBJECT: Action Items / Announcements
HIGHLIGHTS: The following actions are requested:
· Reading Workshop, WSCC – December 6, 2007
· Next P-16 Council Meeting,– February 7, 2008
The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
Special Thanks to Bobby and Ann Phillips for catering lunch on September 26.
Respectfully submitted by Tammy Wells