IV. Share the Most Outstanding accomplishments of the Council since last report.
A. The Mid-East TN Regional P-16 Council received the International Exemplary Award from the Chair Academy Leadership in Nashville
B. Excellent, well-attended meetings including:
· Dr. Gary Nixon, Executive Director of State Board of Education, gave a power point presentation of the Tennessee Diploma Project and discussed its impact on students, teachers, educational institutions and our communities.
· Dr. Matt Murray, University of Tennessee economist, discussed with council members how Tennessee is losing ground in the job market, partially due to low educational standards. He stated our students are the people most at risk.
· Dr. Yvonne Thayer, Southern Regional Education Board, Senior Director, Making Middle Grades Work & Special Projects, addressed the council about “The Power of I.”
· Dr. Hal Knight, East Tennessee State University, updated the council on the findings of the SCORE report.
C. Grainger County P-16 Council held their organizational meeting on February 19, 2009.
D. Jefferson County has submitted their petition to become a local council.
E. Walters State hired five highly-qualified adjunct instructors as a result of the recruitment fair.
F. Planned and sponsored a workshop for area educators entitled “Emergency Spanish for Educators” which had 90+ attendees and received excellent evaluations.